These darling Isadora Moon books feature a half-vampire, half-fairy girl who always has magical adventures. She loves bats, sunshine and nighttime – pretty incongruous, I admit! Two new books about her are coming out in August. They’re meant for kids aged 6-9 years.
Let’s take a look:

Believe it or not, I do know a few goth families who enjoy camping. (I am not completely sure how I am friends with such odd people, to be honest! Camping? Bleck). The newest Isadora Moon book, Isadora Moon Goes Camping, might be a nice gift for their younger kids to read on the way to the campground.

Next up is Isadora Moon Goes to School, featuring a dilemma: Should she go to fairy school or vampire school? (My vote, if I got one, would be for vampire school!)
You might enjoy checking out this post on the author’s blog about all the different foreign editions of the book covers. I much prefer the striped tent on the cover of the international versions!