Oh. My. God. What wouldn’t you give to settle back into this antique gothic library, painstakingly taken apart, shipped and recreated in your living room.
You’d be wearing a crimson silk smoking jacket, naturally, and black velvet slippers would warm your feet. You’d likely be smoking a pipe or cigar, warming a snifter of brandy in your hand. You’d fill your bookshelves with antique editions of Poe, Lovecraft, Stoker and perhaps Baudelaire. You might carefully select a book to peruse in your comfy chair by the fire (careful, though, not to warp the gothic library’s wood or catch your valuable antiquarian books on fire).
This seller has one of the worst descriptions I’ve ever read on eBay, with absolutely no helpful information on the provenance of the library. It doesn’t appear to have been written by a native English speaker. But I thought you’d enjoy, as I did, glancing over the photos and dreaming of owning such a beautiful room in your home.