Dr. Finklestein is about the most perfect bobble head ever, the way his head already snaps open!

I love the smirking expression on the face of this Jack Skellington head knocker.

This set of head knockers comes with both Jack and Sally.

The Dracula Wacky Wobbler features a blue/gray skinned Dracula based on Bela Lugosi. Complete with cape!

For fans of classic horror, here’s a Frankenstein Wacky Wobbler.

For fans of Tim Burton’s Mars Attacks, here’s a Mars Attacks Wacky Wobbler. Great for decorating a workspace cubicle. Also available on Amazon.

I’m actually not sure if fans of The Crow would be offended by this Eric Draven head knocker or find it cute and funny.

I’m not sure I would gift this Freddy Krueger Wacky Wobbler to anyone other than a serious 1980s horror flick fan. However, this might make a great anonymous gag gift for a mean ex, cruel boss or anal co-worker.