The Poisons and Potions wooden horse cart looks almost like a hearse. It’s just twelve inches tall, so can only hold small pieces of Halloween candy.

This Trick or Treat sign features a bat. Need it!

You can’t have too many black kitties on Halloween! This one looks a bit smirky – love that!

Heck with using this Mini Halloween Mantel set for home decor. I plan to use it as a playset! I’ll envision lots of spooky scenarios and create intricate backstories for the folks interned under those tombstones!

This standing Halloween witch reminds me so much of my friend Debra. When I lived in San Diego, she introduced me to her funky, creative, smart friends who happened to also have red hair. They called themselves “The Red-Headed Witches of North Park.” Those were good times.

Every witch needs her familiar close by, so if I buy the witch, I’ll have to purchase this standing black kitty as well. So adorable!

I’m iffy on these decorative Halloween books. I already own massive amounts of creepy-looking old antique books. However, the awesome fonts and stylistic decorations are swaying me.

These Halloween melamine plates are silly rather than macabre or spooky, but I’ll probably pick up several sets because I entertain so often at my home. (Or should I say, my lair?)

This might be the year I break down and buy an animated Halloween doorbell. This one’s just so batty!

I happen to have a black and purple bathroom that this faux Halloween purple and black jeweled candelabra will go perfectly into. I probably will leave it up year round!
Happy Halloween!