Not all of you will be interested in a witchy cookbook, but for the rest, I thought I’d let you know about this new Wiccan cookbook. Wiccan Kitchen: A Guide to Magical Cooking and REcipes is coming out next week. Many of us are spending more time in our kitchens now that coronavirus has closed our favorite restaurants and bars for the time being. I’m definitely dusting off my old cookbooks and interested in shopping for new ones.
The author is Lisa Chamberlain who has written multiple books on Wicca and witchcraft.
Chapters include:
- What is Kitchen Witchery? – The Ancient Hearth
- The Witch’s Kitchen – The Kitchen as Your Altar; A Magic Model – Manifest Your Goals with Magical Marinara
- A Kitchen Grimoire – Blessings and Rituals for The Magical Cook; Working with Magical Correspondences
- Edible Magic – Recipes for the Wheel of the Year – Yule; Imbolc; Ostara; Beltane; Litha; Lammas; Mabon; Samhain.
The final section of the book presents suggestions for further reading, which is a thoughtful addition.
Check out the Goodreads page on Wiccan Kitchen. This Wiccan cookbook is also available at Barnes & Noble.