Today is a very exciting day for several of my fanatical Buffy friends. Slayers & Vampires came out today – a behind-the-scenes oral history of the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” TV shows.
Chapters include:
- Blonde on Blonde
- Hellmouth or High Water
- High School Confidential
- Bewitched, Bothered and Buffy
- Soul Man
- You Gotta Have Faith
- The Spy Who Loved Me
- A Fight for Love and Glory
- More Than A Feeling
- Leaving Sunnydale
- Back in Black
- Out of the Past
- Here Comes the Son
- Beauty and the Beast
- L.A. Law
- Beyond Buffy
- Girl Power Forever
Slayers & Vampires is available as a hardback, as a Kindle ebook, as an audio CD and an audiobook.
You can read reviews of the book at Hypable.com, Vice.com and at Kirkus Reviews.