The Westing Manor knee coat is simply stunning! It surprises me that I actually enjoy the fact the buttons are brown instead of brass.

Here’s another Westing Manor knee coat, this one plaid. I love that it’s trimmed with lace at the bottom.

The Westing Manor chandelier dress comes in Nude and in Black. I think it would look too matronly on me, so I’ll pass.

The print on these Westing Manor steampunk leggings shows Edwardian women in afternoon walking dresses. There’s also a version of these leggings sold in Purple.

Here’s my favorite garment by Lip Service “Step in Time – Westing Manor” – this chiffon hoop skirt. It’s a bit more Lolita than steampunk, but it’s so pretty!

Lip Service hasn’t neglected the men – here’s steampunk men’s pants from the Westing Manor line.