It sort of depresses me that the widescreen edition of Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride is currently priced below $4. It wasn’t the greatest movie (and certainly pales in comparison to NMBC) but still.. sigh.

The deluxe, 20th anniversary edition of Beetlejuice on DVD will set you back less than $5 right now, too.

Nobody I know seemed to enjoy the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory remake. Still, should you feel compelled to add it to your video library, it will set you back less than $5 right now.

Another $5 or less bargain: Dark Shadows on DVD.

For whatever reason, I really enjoy re-watching “Sweeney Todd” every Christmastime. Now I’ll be able to do so without having to scrounge around for it on On Demand or Netflix. I can add it to my collection for under $10 right now.

Tim Burton’s “Big Fish” is also currently being sold at bargain basement prices.

At the moment, fans of “Coraline” can snatch up the Blu-Ray for under $8.

And if you want to get a good, lingering look again at Katrina van Tassel’s elegant striped dress, you can snag a copy of the “Sleepy Hollow” DVD for under $5 as well.
Happy scavenging!