Wow, this Steampunk Edgar Allan Poe Octopus necklace has a lot going on, but I really like it. Oh, and it also looks a little Victorian.

Also check out the steampunk Octopus ring from the same seller.

I don’t know why I’ve always had a fascination with poison bottles (looking at them or collecting them, mind you, not drinking out of them!) I really like these Alchemy Gothic poison bottle earrings.

This Pinhead pendant looks really cool. I wonder if it would sort of hurt bouncing around on my neck while I walk, due to the tiny little “pins.”

Now this is something I haven’t seen before in all my web travels. I love how the skeleton’s fingers curve over and grasp your finger.

I might feel a wee bit dorky wearing this, but I do like the look of this Alchemy Automaton’s Eye ring. Love the way it curves, and swings open to reveal (or hide) the eyeball. Probably a better ring for a guy than a girl.