I must confess, as much as I love to sit inside all day in the dark, I still enjoy gardening. I know there are other goths out there who also do this as well. I’m intrigued by creating a specially themed gothic vegetable garden. The darker side of some fruits and vegetables tend to be overlooked by everyone else, so let us be the ones to nurture them. There aren’t a whole lot of black fruits and vegetables (outside blackberries, which are actually a deep purple) so I fill in with dark jewel tones like purple, scarlet and burgundy.

Isn’t this fancy – it’s Purple French Spinach! These seeds will give you luscious purple spinach to help nurture your body and dark soul.

Instead of generic orange carrots, try planting these Purple Haze Orange Carrot Seeds. They’ll give a much deeper shade of orange, tinged with red!

Here are Deep Purple Carrot Seeds. These are more sinister. They are perfect for your goth vegetable garden.

The deep purple shade of these Purple Peruvian Potatoes is stunning. It’s almost electric! Imagine what the wee-goths would think of deep purple mashed potatoes?

Dark and spicy, some of my favorite traits! These Hot Czechoslovakian Black Pepper Seeds would add some zest to your garden.

I want to plant these Black Heirloom Mexican Corn Seeds
so I can have some for Thanksgiving this year. It would be so amazing to have a goth Thanksgiving!

Beets in general are a great color, but these Detroit Dark Red Beets are extra gorgeous. Beet juice has never been so appealing.

In my opinion, onions are essential for all meals! Plant these Red Creole Onion Seeds for amazingly beautiful onions.

You can plant these Red Grano Onion Seeds to grow more dark onions in your garden.

Last on the onion list are these Red Candy Apple Onion Plants. All of the onions are a delicious purple red color, my favorite. They all look appetizing.

I have actually had many of these Purple Sicilian Cauliflowers and they are quite tasty. They do have a slightly different flavor than the white cauliflower that is normally sold in stores.

I’ll avoid making a Beetlejuice joke, but the stripes on this beet made me think of it. Those are some freaky awesome stripes on these Chioggia Beets.

I’ve never seen these Black Spanish Radish Seeds! I need these in my garden. These look wonderfully ghastly.

These Blue Moon Pumpkins are so dreadfully dreary they look like gems in a cemetery. These would be the showstopper for all goth gardens, don’t you think?

I love how black these Black Beauty Eggplant Seeds are! Eggplants are one of my favorites as well, this is a must have.

I may have instantly changed my mind after I saw these Rosa Bianca Eggplants. The coloring is grisly and delightful.

Oh I wish they sold Moon and Stars Watermelons in the grocery store. If I plant them now, I would have to wait until next year to eat them. This would be another great food for young goth kiddos.

Aren’t these Indigo Rose Tomatoes just stunning? This ominous fruit looks so succulent. My mouth is watering just looking at them.

Of course, the Black Hawk Black Raspberry Plant would be the obvious yet amazing final addition to your garden.

For hardcore goth gardeners, check out this beautiful Janssens Junior Victorian Green House Kit. I wish I had more motivation to do more gardening, because I would definitely buy this if I would use it!
This list is only a fraction of all the dark and dreary vegetables and fruits you can put in your garden. Any produce you would add to your garden from this list? Which one is your favorite? Tell me about it, I would love to hear about it!