I’m really enjoying browsing through Sophia Rapata’s Etsy store today.

Most of what’s for sale here are prints, but there are a few originals, such as this marvelous “A Happy Shadow” pastel and graphite painting.

“Portrait of a Sad Girl” is mesmerizing and haunting.

This print is called “Witch Flesh & Her Familiar.”

I really like the adorable little girl depicted in “Woodland Wanderer.”

“Ghost Vamp” is a bit disturbing – I assume it was intended that way.

I suspect several of you will enjoy perusing “Bat Lady Contraption.”

Not all here is morose – the artist has given herself permission to create a few happier pieces, such as “Flower Field Dance.” (Love the striped stockings!)

If pressed to choose just one favorite, I’ll say it’s “Twin Sisters.”
See more of Sophia Rapata’s shop here: