Since I’m a confessed shopaholic and Halloween addict, I look forward with much anticipation every year to see what Halloween products Bath and Body Works will come out with. I feel like their collection just gets better every year. Adorable and harmlessly spooky, but not nauseatingly cute. It’s all stuff I use anyway, so I never feel a twinge of guilt getting products in every scent that I like.

These adorable hand sanitizers are scented with apple or candy corn.

I’m disappointed they didn’t make more room sprays, but I do love the smell of this one, Spiced Cider.

These tiny PocketBacs are great for carrying around in your backpack, purse, or car. The scents include Poison Apple, Sour Drop, Black Cherry, Monster Mint, Gumball (that’s the one with the bats on the label), and Chocolate Chew (ghosts). Even cooler, the labels glow in the dark or under blacklight.

I go through a lot of lotion in autumn and winter, so I’m excited to see these travel sized fragrances. They come in Spider Cider, Black Candy Apple, Sinful Vanilla, and Plum Potion.

They also make a Wicked Spiced Pumpkin travel size lotion, my personal favorite scent.

Make your apartment or dorm room extra spooky with this skull-shaped metal candle sleeve. Insert your own pumpkin or apple-scented votive.

Their other metal candle sleeve depicts a not-so-spooky haunted house.

Not every goth will like these ultra-cutesy candles, but I sure do. The scents are Frosted Cupcake (Yuck, too sweet!), Pumpkin Patch, and Spiced Cider.

For the bathroom or kitchen, here are three hand soaps. Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin is a foaming hand soap; the deep cleansing hand soap is Sweet Pea; and the very cool Light Up Coffin hand soap is scented with green apple.