This 2013 mini wall calendar celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Gashlycrumb Tinies. Of course, there are 12 months in the year and 26 characters in the Tinies, so not all of the Tinies are depicted here. Also available on Amazon, as well as the full size 12×13 2013 wall calendar.

This Edward Gorey calendar for 2013 features colorful artwork (and just a couple black-and-white images) from his books.

Keep Buffy fandom alive by proudly displaying your 2013 Buffy the Vampire Slayer calendar in a prominent place in your home. (Also available on eBay).

Have a tween or a teenager? Indulge them with an obnoxiously pastel Monster High calendar.

Gaze upon Sookie, Bill, Eric and the other residents of Bon Temps while you wait for the next season of True Blood to air. (Also available on eBay).

This Walking Dead 2013 calendar features 13 images from the comic series. (Also sold on eBay).

Prefer a calendar from the TV show? Here’s the AMC Walking Dead calendar for 2013.

This is a cool concept! Haunted Hearses features various types of antique hearses.

Every year Sir Simon Marsden creates a beautiful black-and-white artistic photography calendar, The Haunted Realm. Also sold on Amazon.

“A Light in the Darkness” is the European version of the 2013 Alchemy Gothic British calendar. It features spiders, skulls, mermaids, dark gowned ladies, and dragons.

The Anne Stokes calendar for 2013 features dark fairies, dragons, unicorns, and other fantasy art.

If you like dark faeries, you might enjoy Nene Thomas’ beautiful 2013 calendar.

This Stephen King calendar features milestones, such as the 30th anniversary of certain stories and novellas, including Pet Sematary.

This is awesome! This 2013 zombie calendar comes with twelve months of papercraft zombies, plus a pocket to hold them in. Each month you can assemble the particular zombie paper craft of the month, then in December you can put together a paper zombie army and make them duke it out!