I’m kind of a sucker for great cute but dark artwork. Of course, my daily Etsy browsing never fails to tug at my heart strings. These cute illustrations by Katkaland Creatures would be great additions to my already stupendous art collection!

In Rebecca Searches for Her Wolf, a girl looks as though she is wandering a field in the middle of a raging storm. Her long hair appears to be blowing with the wind. I think shadow box art is so much fun. I really enjoy this particular piece.

This Red Bark Beetle is gorgeous. This is a little too colorful for my walls, but I know someone here will enjoy it! It’s designed as a shadow box. There are many layers, like the lush greens on the sides that make the beetle pop!

I really think that this piece, Frank is Learning French for the Ladies, is incredibly adorable. This is another shadow box. It shows a bunny doll sitting on what looks like to be a wall, learning French. The rabbit is made with paper clay and the ground is made of fabric. This reminds me of a scene from a Tim Burton film.

This shadow box is calling out to me. Frank of the Natal Barred Blue is delicately decorated with pages of a dictionary and wings of a butterfly. It also has a very Victorian feel, which is something I love! My hobbies are writing and reading, so I might need to get this for myself!

The painting Branches as Arms shows a girl alone in a dark gloomy night with branches for arms. This is a very simple painting, done with watercolors and ink. I love how eerie this piece is.

The Little Red Riding Hood vs Wolf shows a scene from the famous fairy tale. This is also done in watercolors and ink. What I like most about this, aside from it’s a great fairy tale, is the design. I love the border around the scene itself. I think the fact that it alludes to the wolf and forest is a great choice!

Well, I don’t think any of us could resist this Edward Gorey like illustration. The Walking the Bat painting is also set on a dictionary page. This is just really cute! Just because it has a very simple design doesn’t mean it wouldn’t enhance my house!

This is another favorite of mine! Birds in my Skirt is a collection of Victorian women who are styled with bird cages. I love the brown watercolor illustrations that give it the perfect antique feeling. For my steampunk audience, this would be a really cute addition to other artwork around the house!

Again another adorable Edward Gorey like painting, the Boy Walking Bats no.1. I think I might like this one more than the former, just because of how the little boy is inked. Also, I really like the French novel page that he is drawn on. Plus, there are more bats he is walking! I wonder how much worse that is than herding cats…
Take a look at more of Katkaland Creatures illustrations and other creative goodies! Let me know what you think in the comments below! Happy shopping everyone!