This 1881 white edition of The Bells has a gorgeous cover. It features a silver angel guarding over a little town, plus bells and flowers. The seller has helpfully provided a few peeks at the black and white illustrations inside this volume. There’s a similar copy at this link as well.

Here’s a tan variant featuring a gold angel.

This other 1881 edition seems to be bound with alligator leather.

This edition of The Bells was printed in 1890.

I wonder why this copy of The Bells is illustrated with holly and berries. Perhaps it was meant to be a Christmastime presentation gift?

The cover of this 1881 The Bells is really boring, but the illustrations inside (drawn by different artists) are stunning.

The same artists drew illustrations for this 1881 edition, but it has a much lovelier floral cover.

Here’s another variation on a floral cover for this same Porter & Coates edition.