Our Homes & Their Adornments is an 1882 Victorian etiquette and home decorating book.

Inside, it’s filled with gorgeous etchings and drawings of home furnishings and interiors. The book also features a chapter on “The Art of Giving Dinners.”

I’m drooling over this 1894 cookbook: “Fancy Ices” which presents 86 illustrations and recipes for how to make General Ices, Bombs, Individual Ices, Souffles, Mousses, and Biscuits, Sorbets, Sundries.”

Miss Parloa’s New Cookbook and Marketing Guide is from 1897.

The Complete Home is a charming 1883 book featuring the domestic arts, cookery, etiquette and housekeeping tips.

Inside, it features some lovely color illustrations.

Warnes Every-Day Cookery book from the 1890s is a classic reference.

Inside, it has illustrations (a few in color) of dishes, foods, and cooking utensils. Gorgeous!