Raise your hand if you can’t wait for winter to be over? Or are you still enjoying wintertime weather and snowy pursuits? Let me know in the comments below. Meanwhile, I wanted to show you this adorable book I bought myself recently.
This Search and Find Alice in Wonderland book (via Amazon) is for kids, but who cares? I’m snowbound at home for days now. I’ve cooked, baked, cleaned, binge watched shows on Netflix and caught up with my reading pile. Now I’m pouring a gigantic glass of bourbon, settling in by the fire, and looking for a fun diversion for a half hour or so.

Sure, the pictures are cheerful and colorful, not dark and macabre like we all prefer. Still, I enjoy peering at the illustrations looking for the little things and hunting for hidden characters.

The Search and Find Alice book came out back in 2018. Here’s hoping they make an Edgar Allan Poe themed book next!