Feeling crafty? Here are a few fun dark patterns you can purchase, download and try out!

This Vampire Dracula PDF sewing pattern is by Sarah from Dolls and Daydreams. She also offers some cute fairytale character patterns. I always feel sorry for sellers who use adorable photos of the finished dolls to sell the pattern – I wonder how many buyers mistake and think they’re getting the doll, not the pattern emailed to them. From my experiences with some really dumb eBay customers, I really suspect this happens here too.

She also offers this cute Skeleton plush doll – it might look a little bit too much like Skelanimals though. (See the skeleton cat too).

Her Wednesday Addams pattern includes instructions for making a little felt poison bottle.

If you can sew, here’s a cute pattern for a little vampire amigurumi.

This Dracula doll and cape PDF pattern is for a more involved costume than other patterns I’ve seen. (It has more details, such as the bow tie, bat and polkadot leggings).

From the same seller, here’s a Frankenstein sewing pattern featuring bow tie and a little spider.

Prefer knitting to sewing? Here’s a knit Frankenstein toy pattern.

I am VERY impressed by this Vampire Vladimir crochet pattern. He’s much more unusual than many of the patterns I’ve seen online.