This adorably spooky lift-the-flap book, The House of Madame M (via Amazon) came out back in April. I forgot all about it during the current crisis and distractions at my home. It looks really cool and unusual; I definitely want to add it to my creepy children’s book collection.

Amazon lists this as being for kids aged 5-9, but I think it’s too babyish for an eight or nine year old. I’d personally read it to a four or five year old niece or nephew who might be interested in pulling the flaps open to see what’s behind them.
Let’s watch the author, Clotilde Perrin, reading from the book and demonstrating what’s behind a few of the flaps:
Check out reviews of The House of Madame M:
Goodreads: The House of Madame M
Kirkus Review: The House of Madame M
Library Girl and Book Boy: The House of Madame M
Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast: The House of Madame M

If you like the looks of The House of Madame M, you might enjoy Clotilde Perrin’s earlier book, Inside the Villains (via Amazon). You can lift the flaps on an ogre, a wolf, and a witch.